Monday, March 21, 2011

sound treatment pier reviews

Tyler Mack’s treatment

1) The intent of the scene is clearly to create a short horror film, somewhat like what might be found in a goosebumps book.
2) The plot points of the film are the music that plays when the picture is viewed, foreshadowing the death of the beholder, and the number of fingers being held up by the girl.
3) The climax of the scenes are obviously the deaths because they are the release of tension built up by the past knowledge of the pictures power and the music.
4) The resolution to the film is also the death i must say because their is no clear end to this cycle of death that results from the mesmerizing picture.
5) The conclusion to the scene is the same because it doesn’t show or even imply an end to the deaths it simply ends with another open-ended death.
6) While there is no spoken dialogue, there is the message of the fingers being held up clearly showing the number of deaths along with the music foreshadowing the approaching death.
7) The girl in the picture clearly controls the scene as she is the one who causes the deaths.
8) Like Dazzy said to fix the typo, but otherwise it is pretty good if you can add a conclusion and even better a resolution, like if some guy found the picture and broke the spell and burned it or something, but otherwise great.

My own film

1) The intent of the scene is to use only voices in order to eliminate distractions from the importance of the music and the voices of the man and  little girl.
2) The plot points of the film are the cups, and man’s voice, and later the background music of the scene.
3) The climax of the scene would be when the man knocks the cup down and begins to cry.
4) The resolution to the scene would be the girl comforting the man and the man apologizing, attempting to recompose himself.
5) The conclusion to the scene being expressed through bells as the man and girl leave the coffee shop.
6) While the majority of the film is monologue, the important points would be the girl’s comforting of the man, and the man’s expression of sadness and regret from his lost love.
7) The character that controls the scene in the aspect of audio and the audiences’ thoughts would be the man whose story causes an opinion of him to grow in the audience. On a visual level, the first mug viewed controls the scene because it gives the audience a focal point while they listen to the story and also keeps their thoughts simple without allowing them to think to in depth about the man’s words and more listening to him speak.
8) I think that the only thing i would need to change in the scene, is possibly the age of the man because finding an elderly actor may prove difficult.