Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Characters In Time

   A security guard arrives at the zoo, having only worked there for a few months, he didn't take his job very seriously. He found it amusing to tease the animals, nothing serious really, just some taunting, witholding food, simple things. His favorite were the monkeys, he loved holding bananas above the railing, to high for them to reach. He knew it wasn't nice and he might regret it one day, but right now it was funny, and that's all he cared about.

  The zoo didn't open till 9:00 am, so arriving at 7:30 allowed him to make sure the zoo was in order, no escaped animals or slacking workers; this also gave time to all his animal friends. Today he felt like giving special attention to the chimps, taunting them with the bananas he'd packed for lunch, throwing them the empty peels. Yelling and laughing, the guard drove the chimps nuts; running around, screaming throwing feces and toys at the guard who laughed the whole time. The guard walked away in tears, remembering his obligation to guide the soon-to-arrive students that were taking tour of the zoo.

  The class was young, full of kids no older than 11. The guard knew they would be a handful and laid out all the ground rules to the children who were anxious to start the tour. The guard took them through the zoo, starting with the tiger and bears, leading to exotic birds and reptiles, then lunch. After lunch the children took a ride on the zoo's train and were having the time of their lives. Anxious though, they begged the guard to take them to the monkeys and chimps section of the zoo.

  The guard led the children to the chimps section of the zoo where a special event was taking place where the trainers would take out the chimps for the people to meet. While the children pet and shook hands with the chimps the guard realized he'd never actually been so close to them. Intrigued, he walked over to one of the chimps and started petting it. At first the chimp seemed nice enough, but as it realized who the guard was it began growing more upset.

  Finally the chimp couldn't take it and started screaming, unexpectedly it grabbed the gun out of the guards belt, pointing it straight at him, and pulling the trigger. In the chaos of screaming children and chimps one of the head trainers managed to grab the gun and help the other trainers corral the chimps back into they're play area.

  Fortunately enough the guard had remembered and managed to follow the one piece of advice the senior guards had given him. "Never keep the gun loaded, it's just for show". The chimps were locked in their caged and the children were sent home with long apologetic letters written to the school. The guard lost his job and the 'Killer Chimp', as his name became, was moved to a reserve where very little human contact was had. The chimp lived happily on the reserve and the guard finally learned to respect animals as living beings of equal importance to himself.