Thursday, February 10, 2011

Milk presentation part 2

  MILK is a movie about the gay rights leader Harvey Milk. One of his greatest accomplishments next to becoming City Supervisor, is the ultimate repeal of Proposition 6, better known as The Briggs Initiative which would remove all gay citizens from their jobs, mainly focused on teachers as well as the removal of anyone who supported them. This prop came from the idea that gay teachers were molesting students and were raising them to be gay and be pedophiles which was ridiculous but was used as a violent and easy exploitation in places like Orange County. Thirty years later in 2008 during the production and release of this movie, prop 8 was being voted upon by the people of San Francisco, over the right for gay people to marry. This being a very controversial subject, as was prop 6, where many argued that these were both attacks on people's constitutional rights. This is likely an inspiration for the production of MILK 
I think the sets used when filming this movie were extremely important. Harvey Milk lived in the Castro district of the city of San Francisco and he lead his movements and lead his people through the streets of San Francisco. Gus Van Sant Filmed on location in San Francisco, visiting places and walking he streets that Harvey Milk lead in and built his movement upon. Being from the area and being that I have visited San Francisco often, this film hits extremely close to home and has twice the impact it would have had if I had lived anywhere else. This also relates to the intended audience and message of this film. While it does effect and show this great man's effects on the rest of the country, I feel this film, almost naturally creates the people of San Francisco as it's audience. Especially during the strenuous time in San Francisco when it was released during the battling sides over prop 8.

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