Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Run Lola Run Critique

In our presentation I felt that our use of film language was limited. While we did use some terminology and present adequate understanding of terminology in relation to editing, we did also leave out some information. This is because ‘editing’ being such a large topic, has many terms and many subsections, that even though attempted, we could not cover all of.
As far as our interpretation of the film went, I felt that as a group, we did a generally good job of analyzing the use of editing in the film. The use of of motion, cutting and the manipulation of time through editing is decently thoroughly discussed. We do an adequate job of explaining how the editing is used to portray themes and ideas; as well as show contrast and comparison of the three sequences in the film. Editing is used very interestingly in this aspect and we explain that through the use of flashbacks and flash-forwards, Tywker portrays the three sequences as having differentiated based on small aspects at the beginning of a time sequence. I felt our interpretation of this idea was very good as we explain that the sequences are a representation of the belief that we affect everyone and everything around us with our own actions whether we realize it or not.

I also felt we did a good job at presenting. We did use some limited notes on note cards as well as some small notes found in bullet points in our presentation; but overall I thought we spoke well. By reading as a little as possible, it helped to portray our personal opinions about the film and the editing of the film, rather than if we had read off notes we had. We also rehearsed many times making sure that our ideas were clear and that we were able to explain them well. In addition to speaking clearly, i thought we did a very good job at sticking to our subject. Some groups tended to digress from their topic and incorporate irrelevant ideas and opinions that distracted the audience from the purpose of their presentation.
Our biggest problem when discussing the editing in Run Lola Run, was finding information, facts, or opinions from others on editing in the film, which would have helped our presentation greatly. Some use certain scenes and color corrections we had trouble finding explanations for and had to either exclude the information or make up our own interpretation for with little evidence. Other than this I feel the only possible improvements could be working on our composure, as I personally became nervous and may have changed some of my rehearsed presentation. This could possibly be changed by simply practicing my speaking skills and working to build my confidence when doing  a presentation. I could also work on learning more film terminology and understanding the film better to increase my confidence for presentations in this class.

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